Time zone in Japan

What time is it in Japan? The answer is: it depends.

Japan is in the UTC +9 time zone while the UK is in UTC +1.

During solar time (from the last Sunday in October to the last Sunday in March) the hours of difference between Japan and Italy are 8. During daylight saving time, on the other hand, the difference in hours is 7, because Japan does not use daylight saving time as we do.


All these hours of difference, added to the hours of travel, make it difficult to get used to the Japanese time zone. My advice is therefore not to go to sleep as soon as you arrive in Japan, but to take a ‘pull’ until the evening.

Obviously this is just a piece of advice, every person is different and adapts differently to time changes.

What time it is in Japan

MrMingsz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons