Train schedule in Japan

Do you want to know the timetables for trains, buses and planes in Japan? There are currently 2 best sites you can use.

The first is called Ekispertforweb and allows you to search for trains, buses and planes in Japan. In the results you will find the time and platform of departure and arrival, the journey time and the price. Unfortunately you cannot put a filter to exclude the Nozomi and Mizuho Shinkansen which are not included in the Japan Rail Pass.

The second site is called Japan Transit Planner which has a free and a paid version. The free version only allows you to see the timetable and ticket price. You can only use the filters on cash or IC card payment, and choose between reserved, non-reserved or green car (first class) seats. The paid version, on the other hand, allows you to put filters on the use of the plane, the choice to use limited express trains and the use of Nozomi trains.

In addition to the search for all public transport, you can also use the search for vehicles that can be used with the Japan Rail Pass or the Tokyo Subway Ticket.

Alternatively, you can use the JapanTravel Navitime Android or iPhone app.

Japan Transi Planner

SuFlyer, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons